Food Quality Matters

The food pyramid does not care about food quality.  It doesn’t take into account how processed the food is or how it was manipulated.  As Americans we have forgotten what it means to eat real food.  It is getting back to nature and knowing where our food is grown and raised and the care that was taken.  Those things matter!

Fruits and vegetables should be grown as close to home as possible.  The longer it takes for produce to get from field to your mouth, the less nutrition that it has.  That is why we should be taking advantage of farmers markets and fruit stands in the summer.  CSA’s are also a great option.  In the winter, take the time to investigate where your produce is coming from and how it was grown – do the best you can.  I choose frozen a lot during the winter months.

Choose wild fish and grassfed and pastured meats.  These animals have gotten to eat their natural diet and spend time in their natural habitat.  They are naturally leaner and they have a healthier omega 6:3 ratio.  Plus they taste better!

Caring about food quality costs more money but shouldn’t we be putting the best fuel in our bodies that we can afford?  Just think of all the things that you won’t be paying for – doctor’s visits, cold medicine and just being sick and tired.