Costco Finds - Larabar

Larabar is a real food treat that is portable and comes in a wrapper so the kids love them.  It passes all my real food tests because there are no funky ingredients - usually just dates, tree nuts and spices (depending on the flavor).  They are perfect for lunches, throwing in your bag for a quick snack.  You can find them in most grocery stores and they range in price between $1.00 - $1.50 per bar.  I think you all know I am pretty thrifty so I make our Larabars using this recipe.

That was until recently.  Costco has carried Larabars for a while but I have chosen not buy them because the box contained a flavor with peanuts and we choose not to eat peanuts.  The current box has 2 flavors - Apple Pie (Dates, Almonds, apples, walnuts, raisins and cinnamon) and Cashew Cookie (Dates and cashews).  These are 2 flavors my family enjoys and they are only $.83/bar.  Win/Win in my book.  They are still a special treat but it is great to have another pre-packaged option in the cupboard.

Do you eat Larabars?  What is your favorite flavor?

Sunday Cook-up

Sunday Cook-up

Cooking real food can be daunting but it is made a little easier with planning and cooking ahead. Sunday Cook-up is a method I teach my clients to help prepare for the week.  On Sunday or any day of the week that you have 2 hours to do food prep and cooking, cut up vegetables, make salad or egg muffins for breakfast.  Make those things that you like to have on hand as quick snacks, condiments/dressings or that will make meal prep easier on busy nights.  

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What I am into Wednesday - Branch Basics

What I am into Wednesday - Branch Basics

I use to lead a mommy group and one of my favorite things was to share my favorite things or what I was in to. I don't take spending money lightly and do lots of research on products before I buy and have no problem sending something back if it doesn't meet my expectations. I think this is why I like to talk about the "stuff" I am using - I put a lot of effort in finding the perfect "stuff."

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Fat 101

Fat 101

My love for fat is a new affection.  I use to evaluate diets looking for ways to cut fat but this is just one of the ways I was led astray by following what the USDA Guidelines.  Not only is fat not bad for you but it is critical for good health.  Fat is necessary to absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.  Plus, it is essential for cell construction, nerve function, digestion, and for the formation of the hormones that regulate everything from metabolism to circulation.  Not to mention, it is a slow burning fuel that keeps you feeling satisfied longer.

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Cholesterol... Protector of our Health

Cholesterol... Protector of our Health

Did you know that the connection between fat, cholesterol and heart disease is a theory and has never been definitively proven in the research?  If you are like me, that idea is flabbergasting!  For decades we have been told to watch our saturated fat so that are cholesterol stays low and we don’t develop heart disease.  Over the last few years, research has shown that this connection is not so simple.  Research has uncovered that people with the highest cholesterol in the over 75 category, live the longest.  Women are another category of people who need higher cholesterol to be healthy.  Plus, we should be eating saturated fat. 

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Improve your Sun Tolerance with Real Food

Improve your Sun Tolerance with Real Food

Do you need another reason to start eating real food? Got one for you... better tolerance to the sun and a better tan. I do not believe that sunscreen alone is the answer to skin cancer because despite the highest rate of sunscreen use in history, skin cancer rates are still increasing. Our extensive use of sunscreen and fear of the sun have left us with a vitamin D deficiency, which only exacerbates our sun intolerance.

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Beat Colds and Depression with Fermented Foods

Beat Colds and Depression with Fermented Foods

Traditional cultures throughout the world practice the art of fermentation.  Fermentation was born out of practicality – needing to preserve the harvest of summer – but we even see fermenting in tropical peoples who have no need to preserve food.  This is because fermentation infuses our foods with probiotics – that is beneficial bacteria.  These bacteria, when ingested, populate the intestinal tract and interact with the body in a multitude of ways making it not only an essential aspect of a traditional diet but necessary for healing diet protocols

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Cleanse Everyday

Cleanse Everyday

I was asked a few weeks ago about my thoughts on cleanses and detoxes. We were in the middle of the Whole 30 and all I could think of was that we were doing the best cleanse ever. Unfortunately, today’s detox and cleanse diets are all about how much weight you can loose quickly by depriving your body of crucial nutrients and calories, forcing your body into starvation mode.

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More than just Calcium

More than just Calcium

Last August, I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my femoral head (hip).  I was devastated because I had to stop running, didn’t get to finish my summer race schedule and had no other significant form of stress management.  I was also stuck on crutches and chasing 2 kids.  The diagnosis was baffling because I was a rock star in the milk-drinking category.  This got me thinking that bone health must be larger than calcium.

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Another Reason to Eat Your Vegetables

Another Reason to Eat Your Vegetables

Every cell in the body requires potassium and it is lacking in the Standard American Diet.  Many Americans live on highly processed and sugar rich foods.  These foods contain high amounts of sodium that only increases our requirement for potassium, making us even more deficient.  Signs of potassium deficiency include muscle cramps, weakness, palpitations, and malaise. 

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To Juice or Not to Juice - That is the Question.

To Juice or Not to Juice - That is the Question.

I enjoy eating whole fruits and vegetables.  I like biting into a crisp apple better than drinking a glass of apple juice.  I love roasted cabbage and salads.  I think of juice as a sweetener not something that I will drink glasses of.  That being said, I am also not going to tell someone who feels great juicing that they shouldn’t because they are probably getting more nutrition than the standard American diet.  But, if you are considering this your next “diet” of choice, here are some things to ponder:

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I Love Good Food!

I Love Good Food!

Through my Paleo adventure some have called me a food snob – but I like to call myself more of a food evangelist. I know how good food can be when you choose the highest quality. Food is amazing when we get it from healthy sources and it is not tainted by the food industry trying to get more with less. 

The more information you have the better choices that you can make so here is the information that you need to make informed choices for you and your family…

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