Cleanse Everyday

I was asked a few weeks ago about my thoughts on cleanses and detoxes. We were in the middle of the Whole 30 and all I could think of was that we were doing the best cleanse ever. Unfortunately, today’s detox and cleanse diets are all about how much weight you can loose quickly by depriving your body of crucial nutrients and calories, forcing your body into starvation mode. You do lose weight but as your metabolism slows, the pounds eventually creep back. Other detox dietary supplements claim to clean out your colon of toxin build up. A quick look at some of the ingredients on these products – sugar and glycerin – yes, they will definitely clean you out. Don't these programs just leave you with the same problems you started with because you don't make permanent changes just cover them up with band-aids?

 Instead of doing a detox or cleanse, why can’t we incorporate a few healthy habits into our daily life that will improve our gut health and rejuvenate our bodies? Then you get the benefits for not just a few days but everyday.   I am going to give you my idea of the perfect detox program – the 3 most important things that you can do for your health everyday.


EAT CLEAN.  Remove grains, sugar and crappy seed oils from your diet.  I know that sounds overwhelming but they are irritating your gut and causing inflammation.  These foods provide little to no nutrition and leave a wake of destruction in their path.  What should you eat instead?  Keep it simple by replacing grains with extra vegetables.  Breakfast is the biggest transition but who doesn’t enjoy a hot breakfast of bacon and eggs over cold cereal?  You can still enjoy sandwiches using lettuce or get creative with portobello mushrooms, apple or cucumber.  Explore your vegetable options; they are endless!

I can hear the families groan – “How am I going to get my kids to give up their pasta for more vegetables?”  Transition slowly and give them the benefit of the doubt.  I believe that much of our kids’ reluctance to try new foods comes from us as parents.  We set the plate in front of them and watch carefully and cheer on every bite; they have got to be wondering why and if they should really be eating it.  Some of us don’t even try and therefore limit our kids just because we are afraid of the rejection.  Give them the opportunity and keep trying because our taste buds change every two weeks and you just never know what you are going to like.


FEED YOUR GUT BACTERIA.  We have only recently begun to understand how extremely important your gut bacteria are to you.  They regulate your immune system, produce neurotransmitters, impact brain health and they have a direct role in your metabolism. Unfortunately, several features of the modern lifestyle directly contribute to unhealthy gut flora:

       Antibiotics and other medications like birth control and NSAIDs

       Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods

       Diets low in fermentable fibers

       Dietary toxins like wheat and industrial seed oils that cause leaky gut

       Infants born by cesarean, not breastfed and/or to mothers with poor gut flora have a higher incidence of unhealthy gut bacteria.

We want a diverse system of good bacteria in our gut.  60 – 70% of what determines your gut flora comes from what you are eating.  The good gut bacteria love fiber from vegetables and some fruit, while seafood has the most profound corrective influence.  Fermented foods, like kombucha, sauerkraut and kefir, introduce new varieties of bacteria into your gut. 


SLEEP.  This is the time when your body detoxifies and in the hours between 10 pm and 2 am is when the bulk of it happens.  Sleep deficiency is plaguing us and we need to take a stand. Here are 6 easy steps to improve your sleep:

1.     Make sleep a priority, even if it means the house stays a mess for a little longer. 8 hours a night minimum in the beginning and more or less as you build a solid routine. Sleep long enough that you can wake up without an alarm.

2.     Eliminate caffeine.  If you are having difficulty sleeping it could be playing a major role. It might take up to 10 days to clear it from your system and get over the withdrawals, but it is worth it!

3.     Add magnesium to your evening routine.  Try Nature Calm in a glass of hot water or a bath with Epsom Salt.

4.     Make your bedroom pitch black when you sleep. Darkness releases melatonin.  You should sleep in a room that's totally dark and even hide the light emitted by alarm clocks.

5.     Turn down the lights in the evening and consider turning off electronic screens with their blue light to not disrupt melatonin production. If turning off screens is not possible, try wearing amber tinted glasses.

6.     Respect your natural rhythms. Food, exercise, and noise will all impact your sleep patterns. Eating or working out right before bed may actually end up preventing you from falling asleep. Some people need complete silence; other people like faint music. Experiment with yourself to find out. 


Get the benefit of a cleanse everyday by improving your diet and lifestyle with these three important health boosters.  Do them as steps or challenge yourself by taking on all 3 at once.  Reclaim your health – you deserve it!