Improve your Sun Tolerance with Real Food

Improve your Sun Tolerance with Real Food

Do you need another reason to start eating real food? Got one for you... better tolerance to the sun and a better tan. I do not believe that sunscreen alone is the answer to skin cancer because despite the highest rate of sunscreen use in history, skin cancer rates are still increasing. Our extensive use of sunscreen and fear of the sun have left us with a vitamin D deficiency, which only exacerbates our sun intolerance.

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Cleanse Everyday

Cleanse Everyday

I was asked a few weeks ago about my thoughts on cleanses and detoxes. We were in the middle of the Whole 30 and all I could think of was that we were doing the best cleanse ever. Unfortunately, today’s detox and cleanse diets are all about how much weight you can loose quickly by depriving your body of crucial nutrients and calories, forcing your body into starvation mode.

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Top 7 Ways to Boost Your Immunity and Kick those Colds to the Curb

Top 7 Ways to Boost Your Immunity and Kick those Colds to the Curb

It is that time of the year. The grass is getting green, the trees are starting to bud and many of you are suffering from allergies. I think it is a perfect time to talk about preventing and recovering from colds naturally. This week I will give you my top 7 ways to boost your immunity and show those colds who is boss.

Let's get started...

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Feeding our Families

Feeding our Families

Let’s talk about feeding our families.  I want to make it perfectly clear that this is something that challenges me at home too. I have an almost 10 year old and an 8 year old with autism and they both have their opinions about what we should be eating. But here is my rule; it is my job as the parent to decide what we are eating, when we eat and where we eat it. It is the kids' responsibility to decide how much they are going to eat. This is called the division of food responsibilities and I challenge you to respect the division.

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