Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble steroid hormone. While it is most associated with bone health and calcium, it has far-reaching effects on the body. Vitamin D protects the central nervous system as an antioxidant and reduces inflammation. Low Vitamin D levels have long been shown in the medical literature to contribute to depression and even chronic fatigue. A deficiency in vitamin D is also strongly linked to autoimmune conditions.

The best way to get vitamin D is from the sun but unfortunately during the winter months in the Pacific Northwest the UVB rays are not strong enough to stimulate vitamin D production. So we are left with getting our vitamin D from dietary sources like fatty fish, organ meat, pastured pork and egg yokes or from spending a few minutes in a tanning bed a couple times a week.

Vitamin D supplementation is not as easy as just taking a supplement. Supplementation of vitamin D needs to be done in conjunction with vitamin A because they work synergistically to help you absorb the other and slow absorption when toxicity could be an issue.

The only vitamin D supplement that I recommend is Fermented Cod Liver Oil by Green Pastures. It is the only one that doesn’t use heat or chemicals and is a whole food that contributes important co-factors like vitamin A (and K2 if you get the butter blend like I do). One teaspoon per day during the winter months is a good guideline for maintaining health.

How are you getting your vitamin D during the winter months?